The Authentic Montessori pedagogy

From walking to 12 years old

Ivory Montessori School is a school which provides children of walking at age 12 with a quality alternative education which genuinely respects the values of Maria Montessori.
Située dans le quartier calme, vert et sécuritaire de la commune de Cocody à Danga, les enfants évoluent et acquièrent en autonomie, indépendance et estime de soi.

Latest school news

novembre 1, 2020

Tip of November: Grace and courtesy

How to say good morning, how to introduce yourself, how to offer something to someone, what are the behaviors to have when living in community are general attitudes that are acquired through others, while seeing them doing it. The child needs to know everything that is possible to do, how to do it, and when […]

octobre 1, 2020

Tip of October: Holiday tips

The first piece of advice we want to offer you during the school holidays is to spend quality time with your child, and do one or two activities with them during this well-deserved rest period. Then allow children to have a fixed routine that will meet their need for order and security. The more familiar […]

An High quality pedagogy

Loyalty to the values of the Montessori International Association (AMI)

Montessori pedagogy allows children to learn at their own pace, following internal laws and sensitive periods specific to each age.

IMS thus offers a space, material and human environment approved and certified by the AMI.

All educators trained and certified by the AMI.

The IMS team is a multicultural team united by the passion for Montessori pedagogy.

It is continuously formed and evolves with unity and mutual benevolence for the well-being of children. Respect for children is the watchword.

« The child is not a vessel that one fills, but a spring that one lets spring » « The child is not a vessel that one fills, but a spring that one leaves gush « 

Maria Montessori